How did Get To Creations Start?
As a mom of 2, two and under, I constantly caught myself getting frustrated and tired of the day to days of parenting and ‘adulting’. Sounds awful, right? Truth is, I never knew how difficult some simple tasks may become as I got older and created a family. My mood was starting to affect my relationships and my outlook on life. Don’t get me wrong, my family is my greatest joy and I wouldn’t trade them for the world, but wow, it can be HARD!
I began Get To Creations when I adopted the phrase in my daily life and saw the positive outcome it had on me. I began wearing my bracelet about 6 months ago and whenever I see it, I slow down and remember: I get to.
I get to change those diapers, I get to go to work, I get to exercise, I get to cook dinner. I am beyond blessed to have these things I don’t HAVE to do but I GET to do.
Get To Creations and the phrase ‘get to’ can be for anyone. It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you do, you can apply Get To to your daily life. Many people don’t or didn’t have the ability to do what you Get To do each day. Don’t lose sight of that. Show Gratitude!